The sponsoring of long-term international study and training partnerships (Internationale Studien- und Ausbildungspartnerschaften = ISAP) by the DAAD aims to establish stable and in the long term self-supporting working relationships between German and foreign universities. In this program, groups of highly qualified German and foreign students study a fully acknowledged part of their degree course at the respective partner university. By providing attractive study opportunities for the foreign students, the German universities prepare the ground for a permanent mutual exchange. ISAPs also contribute to the internationalization of the universities through mutual agreements on credit-transfer regulations as well as the development of shared curricula or dual degrees. The development of international study courses with dual or common degrees is specially supported.

About the DAAD

The German Academic Exchange Service is one of the world's largest and most respected intermediary organisations in its field. Scores of students, teachers, researchers and scientists supported by the DAAD have been able to gain valuable experience abroad. However, there are also many other aspects to the work of the DAAD. For more than 75 years now, the DAAD has been committed to advancing academic relations between Germany and other countries as well as, more generally, to promoting the fields of education, science, culture and research. Not only through these activities, the DAAD's work is based on an extensive range of expertise and experience.

ISAP sponsorships

In ISAP groups of at least three German and three foreign students can be granted partial scholarships. The students must be of above average academic ability (among the top 25% of their year), they have to enroll at the
partner university and must have sufficient command of the language used in teaching. The partner universities pledge themselves to mutually recognise assignments completed abroad and to waive tuition fees. The duration of sponsorship is determined by the study program agreed upon by the partner universities. The minimum duration is four months, the maximum duration ten months (= one academic year). If the agreement is for two semesters, a period of one semester at the most may be dedicated to a phase of practical work if this is prescribed by the curriculum of the home university. German students receive a lump sum for their travel expenses and a partial scholarship in monthly installments for the duration of their stay, both depending on the cost of living in the respective country. For the benefit of the foreign students financial means for supportive measures like tutorials and language classes are provided. Foreign students from developing or threshold countries can receive a monthly contribution to their costs of living of 400 euros per month. The DAAD also supports short teaching periods of both German and foreign members of staff at the partner university. As a rule, the stays should last no less than two weeks and no more than three months. The DAAD grants the German staff members a lump sum for travel expenses and the visiting professor from abroad a monthly stipend or a stipend based on the number of days spent in Germany. The foreign partner university pays the travel expenses of the visiting member of their staff and for the accommodation of the German staff member.


Information about the DAAD
Information about ISAP
ISAP Exchange Directives